Meet our Trainers: Sara Brady

How long have you been an AMI Director of Training?
I finished the training of trainer’s program in 2015 and started training the next year. I have directed courses in Sydney, Dallas, Tokyo, Chongqing and I have co-directed courses in China. 


When and with which Trainer did you do your original 0-3 training?
I did my Assistants to Infancy diploma in Denver with Judi Orion and Chacha Vidales. It was an amazing experience. I loved being completely immersed in training. I did my pre-primary course in Sydney with Joen Bettman. Every day I was struck by the genius of Dr. Montessori and I enjoyed getting my hands on the materials. I am still in touch with a number of my cohort from each training and it’s great to see so many still involved in Montessori. We’ve learnt together, gained experience and are now growing older. It’s a nice cycle to be a part of. 


Why did you decide to become a trainer?
I enjoyed many years working in Nido and Infant Communities. I gained experience in many different settings such as long-day, pre-school and child-parent classes. At some point I knew that I wanted to share my experience with others and to help grow the under threes community. 


When not delivering training, what other parts of the trainer role do you get involved with? 
I have been an AMI external and national examiner for various courses. I really enjoy meeting new trainees. It’s very fulfilling to be part of their journey. I also enjoy consulting when I can. It’s inspirational to see what graduates are doing and how they are using the information given to  create the most amazing environments and programs for both children and parents. Consulting is a two-way learning process.  It’s a form of professional development for me and allows me to return to training with a better understanding of how I can further support the community.


What do you most enjoy about working as a trainer?
It’s wonderful to constantly be surrounded by other people from all over the world who share the same philosophy concerning children. Some have been brought up with this philosophy and others are just starting on their journey and are wanting to further understand this child under three. 


What are some of the challenges you have faced in being a trainer?
I find training to be all consuming, sometimes at the expense of my family. It’s so easy to work too much as I enjoy the work so much. Trying to find balance is a challenge for so many people and definitely for me. I am obsessed with Montessori, whether it’s reading Montessori books, or new parenting books, checking out second-hand sites for child-size furniture and materials and in particular material making. It’s time-consuming but one of my most favourite things to do.  


What are you most looking forward to in your training work throughout the next year?
The last 18 months has been so interesting with working on-line for the first time. While I have enjoyed working on-line and the challenges that it has brought, I am really looking forward to returning to face-to-face training. The next year will be made up of a combination of both types of training for me. 


What words of advice can you offer anyone considering studying for an AMI Assistants to Infancy 0-3 Diploma?
I remember the advice that someone gave me before my first training. They told me that it would be intense. I laughed as I really thought I understood that concept. I didn’t. The diploma is not just made up of lectures, reading and hundreds of hours of observations, but, also an incredible amount of reflection and self-observation. It’s an amazing life journey!