Theory into Practice Series (TiPS)

2025 Theory into Practice Series (TiPS)

In 2025, we have two streams of TIPs: TIPs for Educators and TIPs for Leaders.

TIPs for Educators

TiPS for Educators is a skills based, development series facilitated by SMTC’s AMI trainers and trainers-in-training to support educators.
  • Are you looking for some practical tips to help you in your day-to-day interactions with children?
  • Would you like to consider how aspects of Montessori apply in a practical context such as in your school, classroom or in other interactions with children?

Come along to our 1-hour online sessions, with an additional 30-minute Q&A, for extra support on how you can turn Montessori theory into practice.

When:The first Monday of each month (February to November)
 7-8:30pm (1-hour presentation incorporating theory and practical strategies with a 30-minute Q&A). Timezone information is below.
Audience: Anyone working with children from birth to 18 years of age.
Format: Online, via Zoom (link sent following registration)
Cost:$25 plus GST (if applicable) per session

Discounts or packages:

– an Unlimited All-Staff Access Package to all TIPS sessions in 2025 for school and centres for $500 plus GST.  Add an extra $100 plus GST to including TIPS for Leaders

-for individuals, all 10 educator sessions for 2025 for a 40% discount

TIPs for Educators Schedule

Starting off on the Right Foot3 February3-6Amy Kirkham
Supporting Children to Transition from an Under 3’s Program to 3 to 63 March0-3 & 3-6Sara Brady
Unlocking Potential: Guiding Assistants in Montessori Classrooms7 April6-12 Suganthi Vijayakumar
Understanding Agency: How to Best Support the Child through the Process of the Development of the Will5 May3-6Kay Urquhart
How to Provide a Rich Language Environment for Babies and Toddlers2 June0-3Julia Hilson
Why is Self-Expression so Important for the Adolescent and What Can We do to Support this Need?7 July 12-18Emily Dowell

Classroom Management Through the Eyes of Maria Montessori
4 August6-12Suganthi Vijayakumar
What do we Know about Development in the First 3 Years that Guides us in Setting up an Optimal Environment for Babies and Toddlers1 September0-3Julia Hilson
Adaptation, Adaptability and Creating the Environment of Change13 October12-18Laureen Barnard
Is Your Environment Truly Child-Centred?3 November3-6Kay Urquhart

TIPs for Leaders

Leaders and aspiring leaders need opportunities for inspiration and reflection on leadership-focused issues. Many leaders have undertaken our AMI Administrator training, but how do we continue to support them and others in an accessible and affordable way?

In 2025, we are offering two TIPS for Leaders sessions, each priced at $25 + GST per person per session.

These sessions are now open for booking.

The Critical Role of Observation for Montessori Schools  24 MarchAll leaders and aspiring leadersKaren Bennetts
Managing Risks in Montessori Schools & Centres  6

All leaders and aspiring leaders
Karen Bennetts

To visit our TIPS for Leaders information see: TIPS for Leaders

*In keeping with the Montessori philosophy of mutual respect and global community building, we request you have your camera on during the session.

Timezone of sessions

The sessions are scheduled to commence at 7pm based on the Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra timezone which is:

  • AEDT for the February, March, October, and November sessions
  • AEST for the April, May, June, July, August and September sessions

Timezones can be checked here: