Theory into Practice Series (TiPS)

Theory into Practice Series (TiPS)

TiPS is a skills based, development series facilitated by SMTC’s AMI trainers and trainers-in-training to support educators.
  • Are you looking for some practical tips to help you in your day-to-day interactions with children?
  • Would you like to consider how aspects of Montessori apply in a practical context such as in your school, classroom or in other interactions with children?

Come along to our 1-hour online sessions, with an additional 30-minute Q&A, for extra support on how you can turn Montessori theory into practice.

When:The first Monday of each month (February to November)
 7-8:30pm (1-hour presentation incorporating theory and practical strategies with a 30-minute Q&A). Timezone information is below.
Audience: Anyone working with children from birth to 18 years of age.
Format: Online, via Zoom (link sent following registration)
Cost:$22 (GST included) per session

Preparing the Environment for the Child Under Three5 February 0-3 Sara Brady
The Child is the Builder of Man4 March3-6Amy Kirkham
Anxiety in the Classroom *Session 1*8 April6-12 Rebecca Dallam
Anxiety in the Classroom *Session 2*
This session is a continuation of the presentation from our April TiPS session with new registrants welcome.
If registrants didn’t attend session 1 they will be supplied with the slides from the first session to provide them with the background information for session 2.
6 May 6-12Rebecca Dallam
What is Discipline in a Montessori Environment?3 June 0-3Julia Hilson
Recruiting and Retaining Quality Teachers (Due to unforeseen circumstances, unfortunately, this session has been rescheduled to 12 August.)
1 July (rescheduled to 12 August)AdministratorsKaren Bennetts
Practical Life for Practical Life5 August 3-6 Kay Urquhart

Recruiting and Retaining Quality Teachers (rescheduled from 1 July)
12 AugustAdministratorsKaren Bennetts
Inspiration and Challenge2 September3-6Amy Kirkham
Hand the Work over to the Adolescents!7 October12-18Laurie Ewert-Krocker
Keys to Observation4 November 0-3Sara Brady
Postponed – Grace and Courtesy in Cosmic Education scheduled for 6 May with Peter Erskine. This session will be rescheduled in 2025

*In alignment with the Montessori philosophy of mutual respect and global community building we request that you have your camera on during the session.

*Please note these sessions are not recorded. If the registered person is unable to attend a booked TiPS session, please notify SMTC via email. If we are notified prior to the commencement of the booked TiPS session, a credit towards a future TiPS session will be provided.

Timezone of sessions

The sessions are scheduled to commence at 7pm based on the Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra timezone which is:

  • AEDT for the February, March, October, and November sessions
  • AEST for the April, May, June, July, August and September sessions

Timezones can be checked here: