2025 Workshops

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What’s on in 2025?

EYLF Integration Course
Aligning Authentic Montessori Practice with the EYLF
0-6Online Monday evenings twice a term and recorded content with Amy Kirkham6.30pm-8.30pm AEDT/AEST
Theory Into Practice Series
0-18First Monday of the month February to November with SMTC’s faculty7pm-8.30pm AEDT/AEST
The Reconnect Workshop Series
0-18Online once a year for each age-level with trainers from around the worldSee Schedule Below
See the schedule below for all courses.
Courses are scheduled in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra timezone which is AEDT or AEST. See more detailed schedule.

EYLF Integration Course: Aligning Authentic Montessori Practice with the EYLF

This practical course delivered online via zoom by AMI 3-6 Trainer, Amy Kirkham, is designed to help educators and educational leaders in early years and childcare settings enhance their skills and knowledge to fulfil the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) standards whilst staying true to authentic Montessori practice. 

Now in its second year, the EYLF Integration Course has been enhanced to include both live online and recorded sessions, as well as expanded content that delves even deeper into practical strategies for implementing the Early Years Learning Framework whilst retaining or enhancing authentic practice. For some, the course may help to reintroduce aspects of authentic practice that have fallen by the wayside in connection with approaches to the EYLF.

Would you like to have more confidence with communicating how the Montessori approach meets and exceeds the EYLF standards?

Have you been disheartened or frustrated by hearing “you have to…” or ” the EYLF says you can’t…” resulting in less authenticity in your Montessori program?

Or perhaps you would like to understand how authentic Montessori practice can also satisfy the EYLF?

Join us online via zoom for two Monday evenings each term over the 2025 year, to explore the fusion of authentic Montessori principles and practice with the EYLF.

Commences Monday 24 February 2025 at 6.30pm AEDT.


Theory into Practice Series (TiPS)

TiPS is a skills based, development series facilitated by SMTC’s AMI trainers and trainers-in-training to support educators.
  • Are you looking for some practical tips to help you in your day-to-day interactions with children?
  • Would you like to consider how aspects of Montessori apply in a practical context such as in your school, classroom or in other interactions with children?

Come along to our 1-hour online sessions, with an additional 30-minute Q&A, for extra support on how you can turn Montessori theory into practice.

When:The first Monday of each month
Time:      7pm-8:30pm (1-hour presentation incorporating theory and practical strategies with a 30-minute Q&A)**
Audience: Anyone living or working with children from birth to 18 years of age as well as school leaders and administrative staff.
Format: Online, via Zoom (link sent upon registration)
Cost:$25 plus GST per session*

Packages and Discounts:

– an Unlimited All-Staff Access Package to all TIPS sessions in 2025 for school and centres for $500 plus GST.  Add an extra $100 plus GST to including TIPS for Leaders

-for individuals, all 10 educator sessions for 2025 for a 40% discount
* GST is not applicable for non-residents living outside of Australia **Time zone is the timezone for Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne

2025 Reconnect Series

SMTC is excited to present The Reconnect Workshop Series for 2025 with four live online workshops, one in each of the 0-3, 3-6, 6-12 and 12-18 age-levels, with inspiring AMI Trainers from around the world.

The 3 hour workshops are designed to support educators to reconnect with important aspects of their practice, which we know are often challenging, in order to shine a light on how Montessori guides can best aid those in their care through each stage of development.  

Each workshop is $90 plus GST. We offer a group discount for schools of 5 bookings for the price of 4; or 10 bookings for the price of 8. The bookings for the Reconnect Workshop Series can be across the age-levels. Please contact us to arrange group bookings at [email protected].

The details are:

0-3Tuesday 22 July & Tuesday 5 August 20256pm-8pm AESTSara Brady
3-6Mondays 4 & 25 August 20256pm-8pm AESTRuby Lau
6-12Saturdays 18 October & 15 November 202510am-12 noon AEDTEllen Lebitz
12-18TBCTBCJan Gaffney
* all workshops are given live online
*AEST and AEDT is the timezone for Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra at the time of the workshop as outlined.

Unable to attend?
If you are unable to attend a workshop live online you are still welcome to register to receive the recording of the presentation. A link to a recording of the lecture will be emailed to all registrants in the days following the workshop; this link will remain open to view for two weeks from receiving the link.

Camera on?
To foster participation, interaction and to be eligible to receive a certificate for completing a workshop with SMTC, participants must attend a minimum of 90% of the online session time, have their cameras on and be visible to the other participants and the presenter.

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