Creative Arts

Creative Arts
Creative Arts is highly integrated into all areas of the Montessori classroom and is given significant meaning and purpose within each subject allowing the children to explore and express their creativity within each area. Creative Arts is also explored in terms of its properties of technique, form and medium. The children engage with artists or experts within the community to create art on various themes and in a range of styles. Visual arts is a unique and individual expression and while many resources and materials are used to guide the children and extend their techniques, the children’s ideas and creative innovations are always embraced.
Some examples of the integration between Creative Arts and each subject area include:
Calligraphy, ancient symbols and writing tools, poetry, playwriting, drama and performances.
Abstract art, line, geometric figures, symmetry, mosaic, patterns and design.
Famous artists, art appreciation, the art of ancient civilisations, Aboriginal art, music, stories and ceremonies, constructing models of homes/transportation/tools, sewing clothing, jewellery making and clay modelling.
Geography and Science
Colour mixing and chemical reactions/combinations, diagrams, charts, botanical drawings and sketches, flower pressing and flower arrangement, recycled art, digital art forms and photography.
Music is a significant component of the Montessori classroom. Materials such as the Tone Bars build the children’s awareness of keys, scales and musical composition.
The children attend a music class with a specialised teacher each week and can then follow up on their lesson through utilising materials in the classroom. Singing makes up a fundamental part of music in a Montessori classroom and is extended in the specialist music classes.